Rosie the Riveter Memorial Rose Garden
See Map of Gardens throughout our United States.
WE DID IT! On 3/21/19 in McGovern Gardens in Hermann Park our AAUW-WHC Garden Divas planted Rosie the Riveter roses. The idea started in Portland after working on the ISTE Computer Science Standards. While there went to the International Rose Garden and walked in on the Rosie Celebration. Still have the rose they gave me on my jacket to remind me to keep trying. This is definitely a story of persistence. But story is better from the 90 year old WASP from Magnolia Celeste Graves who will be attending our Rosie celebration in Herman Park. The more research, the more I find such as Rosie’s Daughters. We need Rosies and Rebels.
Stop and Smell the Roses!
We stopped and Smelled the Roses – Giving Thanks Nov. 2019. Checking on our Rosies. What story can you tell?
Herman Park Conservancy Newsletter 2-2020 – Keeping a Timeline – Mia on the header
March 2020 Re-Dedication and News – We must get histories collected – Rosalind Walter Dies. What stories can you write about our Houston community.
April 2020 CBS Sunday Morning “Victory Gardens” for war against COVID19
WHEREAS, National Rosie the Riveter Day is a collective national effort to raise awareness of the 16,000,000 women who worked during WWII. These women left their homes to work or volunteer as code breakers and in factories, farms, shipyards, banks and other institutions in support of the Armed Forces overseas, and,
WHEREAS, they worked with the US organizations and the American Red Cross, and riveted airplane parts, collected critical materials, drive trucks, rolled bandages and served on rationing boards; and,
WHEREAS, today, women fill close to half of all jobs in the U.S. economy but hold lss than 25% of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) jobs; and,
WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to recognize and preserve the history and legacy of working women, including volunteer women, during WWII to promote cooperation and fellowship, among those women and their descendants; and,
WHEREAS, on March 21, 2019, the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and the Hermann Park Conservancy will host a local Rosie the Riveter event to honor women of WWII who contributed from the home front. AAUW members will plant Rosie the Riveter roses and a plaque will be presented to recognize this new rose garden as a National Rosie the Riveter Garden; and,
WHEREAS, both AAUW and the Hermann Park Conservancy have stood firm in what Rosie the Riveter represents, with AAUW being a leading voice in promoting equality and education for women and girls since 1881, and the succss of Hermann Park Conservancy including the unique efforts of countless invaluable women; and,
WHERAS, the City of Houston Commends and thanks AAUW, the Herman Park Conservancy and all others involved in the Rosie the Riveter event, as the significant contributions of women during WWII is truly worthy of this great recognition
THEREFORE, I, Sylvester Turner, Mayor of the City of Houston, hereby proclain March 21, 2019 as
in Houston, Texas.
It has taken 75 years … Coveralls for all: What Halliburton learned from Rosie the Riveter. Change does happen, but needs persistence and leaders to step up and show the way.
Let’s mentor our change agents creating apps for our community – Girls for a Change.
Let’s support our teacher leaders who are making this happen.
Mia, TedE and Becky brainstorming an International Women’s Day tea party. Looking for doers to help make this happen by having conversations and applying for an AspireIT grant. Not happening at Evelyn’s Park as does not fit in their master plans. Brainstorming again to find another location … the cycle of planning.
Let’s combine art, math and technology to inspire sTEAm TIME in classrooms … A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”, but with this rose the name has great meaning.
Let’s design a process for oral histories of Waves, Wacs and code girls. Join the Rosie Society. My curiosity: It was said in the book Code Girls that the Army and Navy competed with each other to get women to join their team. How true is this? Why didn’t they work together to break codes? I am collaborating with my AAUW WISE Group to scale action. As Together is Better along with R-E-S-P-E-C-T for everyone’s ideas.
“Stop and Smell the Roses”
20/20 Hands-on Time in 2020 creating Champions for CSForAll
“Today, just take time to smell the roses, enjoy those little things about your life, your family, spouse, friends, job. Forget about the thorns -the pains and problems they cause you – and enjoy life” ― Your Dreams Will Not Die