
First Sunday Morning in October – so many ideas – what’s next?

Problem of misinformation on Facebook – I remember MySpace … Nothing is black or white – need to spend more time in schools on fact vs fiction TEKS and common sense learning … Librarians- caretakers of human knowledge – builders of the future – sure hope books don’t go extinct … Birds can be saved that were going extinct … “No Time to Die” – James Bond as a woman, that is an idea that needs to die … Cloud Cuckoo Land – next book! … Pottery artist asks what do you want? Discover through experience and conversation … Youthful (and not-so-youthful) infatuation with punk rock – I am remembering my son’s start in music in elementary school … Artists in their 70’s, “that’s magic – 20 again” – Wondering what magic I will find at my 55th MHS reunion on the 16th.