
IDEA – Re-align the 6 Texas AiC affiliates around the 20 Texas Region Service Centers.

Will you be a Houston mentor?

These are challenges our young women aspire to solve.
(Students, here is where I need your essay ideas.)
Will you help spread the word so together we can build
our community of problem solvers together.

Outreach needed!  See where the applications are coming from and the missing girls.  We need an advertisement like this: Times have changed. Clothing that lasts forever is no longer a good thing. What they don’t say is the whole impact of clothing and reuse should come first.  That is a problem to solve that definitely needs our innovators in aspirations.

Wrote Great Day Houston:2-7-2020 – Amazing show. Looked for link to the EPIC presentation to share. Could not find it to link to my blog site. I would like to invite Debra Duncan to be a table host Sat. 2/29 10:00 – 1:30 at the NCWIT Aspiration.org awards at University of Houston Downtown. We have 156 Houston students who applied. We are awarding 100 winners including 2 national winners and their teachers. One of the questions asked is what problem students want to solve. That is what EPIC is doing, starting in MS is so important. Problem is not enough support in schools to scale this. Our winners want to solve education problems. But, we need Debra’s help. Her son went to the Idea Lab where my grandson attended. I have written a number of time about scaling coding and computer science education. Maybe we can make it happen now. 


Texas Collaboration opportunities:


2019 NCWIT Summit ideas:

2020 NCWIT Virtual Summit (Really miss the F2F)